understand that contact with us and updates of your animals and home
are important. Therefore, we have setup the following services for your
convenience and peace of mind:
1. Our published business number (208-853-4219) is an AT&T wireless number. We also carry this phone with us when we are both out of the office, so you will usually be able to talk to us directly regardless if we are in or out of the office. If you get voice-mail, please leave a message along with your phone number and we will call you back if needed. We do not accept calls from toll-free or blocked numbers. I will also supply you with my personal wireless number so that you can contact me directly.
2. We can send you e-mail or text messages, if you so desire, at the end of each day keeping you updated on your animals and home.
3. Thanks to modern technology and "smart phones," we can send and receive regular e-mail messages directly to and from our cell phones. You will be supplied with these special direct cellular e-mail addresses upon request. We will also notify you directly from your home via e-mail and/or text message if something is wrong and we can't get you with a voice call. Please supply us with a valid e-mail address and cell phone number for these services.
4. We will set up a private "Daily Diary" web page, if you are traveling overseas or request this service, for your personal private access so that you can get current updates on your animals, your home, and Boise area news and weather. Private direct e-mail links back to us are also included on this page. You merely go to "www.eagleid.com/yourlastname" to access this page.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the ONLY professional pet/livestock sitting service anywhere to offer ALL these free communication services.
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Updated 12/11/19