Servicing Central Boise through Eagle, Meridian, Star, Middleton
"Reliable care for your home while you are away."
rates are based on distance to your location and time spent per stop at
your location. Our service is usually more affordable than hiring a
person to stay at your home full-time, yet we can perform the same
light duties.
do NOT have employees or private contractors. This security service is
performed exclusively by us, the owners of D & J Enterprises.
We work closely with all Law Enforcement agencies in SW Idaho.
The following services are performed as needed and are included in our rates:
Come to your home as many times per week as you contract for.
Pick up of your mail, packages, and newspapers at your home.
Set out and then retrieve the garbage containers.
Watering of inside and outside plants & check sprinkler system if applicable.
Check and fill bird feeders and baths.
Check automatic lighting and replace lamps as necessary.
Monitor pools and/or spas and check pumps and filters if applicable.
Monitor heating/cooling systems depending on weather to prevent frozen pipes or dead plants.
Perform a complete "walk-through" security inspection inside your home as well as all your outside property including all out-buildings at each visit.
Contact maintenance personnel in case emergency repair work needs to be performed and stay on site while that work is being performed. Additional charges may apply.*
Check for illegal entry and contact proper Police agencies IMMEDIATELY if intrusion is noted. We remain at your home while Police complete their investigation. Addtional charges may apply.*
We will be the "On Call" response people for your security company while you are out of town and we will respond to all alarms and assist the emergency agencies in re-securing your home.*
Open and close drapes/blinds.**
Rotate lighting inside and outside the home.**
Generally give your property that "at home" look.
*Please click on our Rates link below.
**Twice-a-day stops are required for these services to be of optimum value.
understand that contact with us and updates about your home are
important. We, therefore, have setup several systems for your
1. Our published business number (208-853-4219) is an AT&T Mobility wireless number. You can call our office number from any AT&T cell phone for free from anywhere in the U.S. (All calls placed in the U.S. from an AT&T cell phone to another AT&T cell phone are FREE and do not incur any charges to either party.) We also carry this phone with us when we are out of the office, so you will usually be able to talk to us directly regardless if we are in or out of the office. If you get voice-mail, please leave a message along with your phone number and we will call you back if needed.
2. We can send you e-mail messages, if you so desire, at the end of each day keeping you updated on your home.
3. Thanks to modern technology and "smart phones," we can send and receive regular e-mail messages directly to and from our cell phones. You will be supplied with these special direct cellular e-mail addresses upon request. We will also notify you directly from your home via this method if something is wrong and we can't get you with a voice call. Please supply us with a valid e-mail address for this service.
4. We will set up a private "Daily Diary" web page, if you are traveling overseas or request this service, for your personal private access so that you can get current updates on your home, and Boise area news and weather. Private direct e-mail links back to us are also included on this page. You merely go to "www.eagleid.com/yourlastname" to access this page.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the ONLY home security service in the world to offer all these free services.
Our Home Security Check Service is also fully included in our Pet and Livestock Sitting Service. If you have animals, please visit that page (link below) for more information about this specialized care for all your animals.
Referrals are available upon request. We do not put referral letters on the Internet due to privacy issues.
Rates for our services
Our Pet and Livestock Sitting Service
Consumer Warning (A public service announcement)
Call us today for a FREE interview and an exact on-site price quote
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